The Truth About Belief Therapy

First, I regret that this needs to be written about “BELIEF THERAPY.” However, I believe the record needs to be set straight.


Dr. Carlin of Therapon Institute DID NOT originate the term “BELIEF THERAPY.”  He states on his website dated 5/13/99, “when the lord awakened me at 3 o’clock in the morning with the name ” BELIEF THERAPY” he say; It suddenly all came together as a model.  It was the name that was missing.”


The problem is that Dr. Carlin called me, (with three of my office staff present) in 1998 to tell me that he had bought a copy of my book, “BELIEF THERAPY, A Guide To Enhancing Everyday Life”  (which at that time had national distribution in all major book stores)  to tell me how much he enjoyed it, particularly the axioms at the end of the book.  Oddly, his subsequent work dated after 1998 also includes “axioms” although quite different from mine.


Shortly after our conversation I realized he had reserved websites and  He could not reserve as I had already obtained and reserved that name, which I still retain to this day, (I invite you to research these statements).


Prior to Dr. Carlin obtaining Belief Therapy in April 4, 2000 from the United States trademark and patent office,  I had already registered the term  in 1994 with the State of California. I obtained a Service Mark in California for BELIEF THERAPY registration# 051814 on July 19, 1999. This mark clearly states that BELIEF THERAPY was first used in California and Anywhere Else by myself in 1994. I also obtained a United States Copyright Office registration# TXu 770 033 on November 25, 1996, for BELIEF THERAPY “A Powerful, New Approach To Changing Your Life.” (See documentation  below).


I created and used Belief Therapy as a therapeutic modality throughout the years both before and since the above dates.  My book which Dr. Carlin read by his own admission also employed the title, “Belief Therapy”  with a copyright of 1998.


In fact I had been presenting belief therapy seminars and promoting belief therapy in all facets for multiple years prior to the official copyright in 1996.


I challenge Dr. Carlin to show ANY verifiable evidence of the use of the term Belief Therapy prior to my proven copyright and registration documentation.


I was particularly offended by the way Dr. Carlin used belief therapy modality as a christian based practice.  While I have no issue with christian theology it was my intent to use belief therapy as a psychological therapeutic modality which I have been practicing (without all the fanfare) since the 1970’s.

(please see my credentials and vitae).


The actual “roots” of my becoming familiar with the idea that our beliefs create our reality originated from multiple sources which I studied from my adolescent years.  In fact, I have a letter from Jane Roberts, author of the Seth Material dated in 1970 when I was twenty-one years old,  in response to a letter I wrote her regarding the Seth work.  Those of you who are familiar with this work realize that the core content of all of her books are about the power of beliefs. In fact Robert Butts, co-author of the Seth Material gave an excellent endorsement of my book which is included in the testimonials segment of this website.  I also studied and read the work of Ernest Holmes the originator of Religious Science; which teaches the power of beliefs. These and many other teachings were primary to my eventual creation of BELIEF THERAPY.


Prior to the publication of my book BELIEF THERAPY, A Guide To Enhancing Everyday Life, I did a complete search of National Bibliographies of books in print and a thorough search of related books or titles through the internet/social media. I also researched all the dba listings, and the national copyright office for ANY current or prior use of belief therapy or any similar terms closely related. I discovered that the term Belief Therapy had never been used  as a book title, therapeutic modality, or to describe any other service or product.


So, the bottom line is, THE TRUTH ABOUT BELIEF THERAPY is that I am the originator of  BELIEF THERAPY in all forms and facets.  I have continued to use it as a therapeutic modality in all of my works as a licensed clinical psychologist.


It took a very long time for me to choose to address this issue. It was my original intent for BELIEF THERAPY to be used as a psychological treament methodology freely given to mental health professionals to compliment the use of cognitive therapy developed by Arron Beck and Gary Emery.  See Dr. Emery’s endorsement.


I wrongly presumed that Dr. Carlin would not attempt to monopolize and plagerize my term BELIEF THERAPY  for the use of a modality quite different from my own.


The fact that Dr. Carlin was ever able to patent BELIEF THERAPY in any form is still a mystery to me.  Although I clearly own the rights to BELIEF THERAPY.  Foolishly, I believed after our telephone conversation discussing both my work and recent publications that he should have had more respect and professional ethics than he has presented by continuing to both monopolize and plagiarize my work. In conclusion, I think the TRUTH ABOUT BELIEF THERAPY is clear for anyone to see.


However I do feel it is necessary to set the record straight.  BELIEF THERAPY originated in my HEART.





State of California Registration


Certificate of Recognition


Legal Documentation

Legal Objection Regarding the Use of the Term Belief Therapy