What Others are Saying About Belief Therapy

Testimonials for Belief Therapy

Dr. DeGoede and Danae are the reason my son is still alive. This is no book-blurb hyperbole. We came to them as do many parents, with our very broken, multiple-drug dependent child. They showed us, first-hand, the life saving potential of Belief Therapy. This book, like their program, is a miracle. It elucidates in clear, simple concepts, the profound truths that led my son to a life of clarity. It’s not a panacea, but it is the most effective system to date in the treatment of substance abuse. I say this not as an academic, but as a soldier on the front-line. I saw my son through all the steps and substances and inpatient miasma that now comprises this nation’s approach to drug abuse. I have living testimony of my son, when so many of his friends have fallen along the way. Their program is the only one that works. The only one.”

Melody Tanner-Clark, MA

Author, Tomorrow There Will Be Everything, Nanotechnology and the Future
Life among the Red-Colored Drapes, novel, Clarion Press
A Room in the House of the Ancestors, novel, Clarion Press 1995
Rose of Ashes, novel, Clarion Press 1993
The Dark Shadows Companion, entertainment reference, Pomegranate Press, Ltd., 1990
Guide to the Green Hornet, entertainment reference, Champion Press 1992

“Dr. DeGoede’s book spells out the obvious. In fact, like higher order math, it is so simple and obvious that almost no one can see it. He describes how our lives are dictated by conflicting beliefs (Organizing principles) that largely go unnoticed. Rather than use beliefs, we are used by them. He shows how to chose the organizing principles that serve our highest aspirations and let the others go. In short, he explains how to escape belief jail and create the life experiences we truly want.”

Gary Emery, Ph. D.

Owner and Director of Los Angeles Center for Cognitive Therapy
Co-author with Aaron Beck of Anxiety Disorders and Phobias: A Cognitive Perspective
Over 66 publications, audio and video tape

“In this remarkable book, DeGoede and Drews describe how beliefs originate in childhood, how they gradually empower or disempower people’s lives, and how they can be changed.  These are not new ideas, but the authors’ inclusion of spiritual and environmental issues make Belief Therapy one of the most practical and timely self-help books available today.”

Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology Saybrook Institue
Co-author, The Mythic Path
Author and co-author of over 700 publications

Who’s who in America
Who’s who in the World
Internationally known researcher and Psychologist

“I am more than pleased to see that in their Belief Therapy (love that title!) DeGoede and Drews present in a very clear, emotional yet perceptive and creative ways elemental insights into what it means to be human. They show us how to become more freely and consciously awake as we understand that each one of us does indeed create our own reality. With that precious knowledge we can set ourselves free to better become the innately creative, illimitable creatures that we are gifted at birth to be. A most challenging endeavor indeed to get to know ourselves!”

Robert F. Butts

Co-Creator of the Seth/Jane Roberts books

“DeGoede and Drews’ theory clearly illustrates the impact our beliefs hold over our lives and futures.  Dealing with trauma or ‘abuse moments’, is a crucial concept in healing intrapsychic pain.  Belief Therapy gives one the needed information which leads us on the road to recovery.”

Jennifer L. Firestone, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist
Specialist in women’s issues and trauma
Stephenville, Texas

“DeGoede and Drews do a very thorough job of examining the significant role which self-awareness plays in all our lives. Belief Therapy clearly communicates that the inability to overcome the limitations of your belief system is the biggest obstacle to achieving true happiness.”

Mitchell J. Cohen, M.F.C.C.

Marriage, Family and Child Counselor

“Bravo DeGoede for steering clear of technical jargon, and putting together an astute, comprehensive, and motivational book with the potential to enhance and save lives. Long awaited; something fresh and loaded with personality.”

Michael Gantenbien, N.C.A.C.II, C.A.D.C., I.C.A.D.C.

National Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor

“Dr. DeGoede’s book, Belief Therapy, reflects his humanistic approach which gives new meaning to personal empowerment and possibilities. Dr. DeGoede has the ability to simplify complex issues allowing for exploration of existing beliefs. Using the approach as discussed in his book, may precipitate concrete changes and bring renewed direction to life.”

Karen Wardell, M.Ed., B.S.N.

Consultant to Califoria State Department of Education
Administrative Program Specialist, Special Education

“I believe a great addition to every prescription written by a physician should include a copy of Belief Therapy, by Daniel L DeGoede. As a Registered Nurse, I was especially interested in reading his section on ‘Health.’ While reading Dr. DeGoede’s ideas on how one’s body responds to one’s beliefs, I kept thinking, ‘Wow, this is very simple and most of all, it makes sense!’ Everyone needs to take responsibility for his or her own physical health, including health professionals. As we learn more about the physical diseases that effect us, we cannot overlook the role our psyche plays in regaining and maintaining health. Good stuff for every patient in sickness and health!”

Robert B. Renno, RN

Director of Clinical Services
Charter Behavioral Health Systems

“Dr. DeGoede’s explanations of the growing violence committed by children in the country are not only accurate but also frighening when one understands the lack of emotion, conscience and empathy they feel for their victims. When parents truly realize what their children are doing, and why, the only solution to eliminating exhibited violence and all acting-out behaviors is to learn, implement, and believe in Dr. DeGoede’s techniques on ‘parenting.’ If more parents practiced these methods, the need for more programs such as those run by my company for at-risk children would dramatically decline. All of our country’s children would be better.”

Amy S. Harrison

Vice Chairman, President of Children’s Comprehensive Services, Inc.
A publicly traded $110,000,000 company designs and operates programs for The “At Risk” youth in 12 states.

“Dr. DeGoede’s book offers clear and comprehensive descriptions of the various beliefs we adopt as a child which can either hinder or empower us.  As a result of his research and fascinating case studies, we can begin to recognize and understand how we can identify positive things we can do to help ourselves.”

Karen L. Hoag, Ed.D. (a.b.d.)

Administrator, San Bernardino City Schools

“We like to think that we make our ideas and make our beliefs but in in truth our ideas and our beliefs are what make us. Dr. DeGoede’s book clarifies this point in a highly readable, comprehensible, and most of all, simple fashion. It is a must!”

Patrick MacAfee, Ph.D.

Marriage, Child and Family Counselor
Certified Addictions Specialist
American Academy of Health Care Providers

Belief Therapy is a book that should be in every college and high school library! DeGoede and Drews have created an excellent, dynamic tool for personal empowerment.  A book about courage and hope, written from personal philosophy and experience, it is a belief system about beliefs.  Shining through the pages and chapters is a concept of healing the ‘division and separation; from ourselves, from each other and from all life.’  This is a valuable and useful work and will have deep impact on readers.”

Jane Van Roekel, R.S.P.

Religious Science Practitioner
High School Counselor, Metaphysics Teacher
Spiritual Counselor and Practitioner

 “Dr. DeGoede’s book Belief Therapy brings to mind the old adage ‘You are what you think.’  This is a significant factor with addictions and codependency. This book offers techniques and insights to change our beliefs about ourselves which is an essential element associated with 12 Step Programs.”

Jan Fagerquist, MS, C.A.S.

Chemical Dependency Program Coordinator

Belief Therapy is based on concepts which the lay person will easily understand. Dr DeGoede presents practical ways of addressing difficult problems and his methods can be utilized after the first few pages of reading.  This is a significant book which gives people tools to utilize outside of the therapy session.”

Jama Ellen Briscoe, Ph.D.


“Simple and Elegant. A powerful look at how we develop dysfunctional beliefs and, more importantly, how we can loosen their grip over our lives. This book shows a pathway to enhance pleasure and restore meaning to our lives by revealing childhood misconceptions, limiting beliefs, self-defeating behaviors and replacing them with empowering images, constructive thoughts, and productive actions. A wise and practical text from a seasoned psychotherapist.”

Craig Lambdin, MA, M.F.C.C.

Executive Director of My Family Incorporated Recover Center
Multi Program Chemical Dependency Treatment Center

“DeGoede and Drews’ book Belief Therapy, illustrates in the most simplistic of terms the dysfunctional dance that goes on between codependents and dependents, as well as the core beliefs in both partners which precipitate the behavior. Bravo! DeGoede and Drews Belief Therapy not only helps the reader to identify destructive core beliefs, but also enlightens and challenges the reader to make positive changes in their core belief systems.”

Vickie Wilson, C.A.C.

Certification: Alcohol and Drug Studies
Family Counselor

“I found Belief Therapy to be a very easy read. I especially liked the conversational style of the piece. DeGoede gives solid practical advice toward managing behaviors. I like that. Belief Therapy further enables the reader to get something real from the information. I truly enjoyed the chapter on parenting. I believe good parenting and good classroom teaching are one in the same. Cool book for people to carry like a handbook.”

Laurel MacTaggert, BA

3rd Grade Teacher

“Liberating oneself to be able to freely act upon the one’s world is the theme of Dr. DeGoede’s book. This book gives you the insight to start this journey. Dr. DeGoede offers a guide to a rich life in simplistic form and is able to make his teachings understood by all segments of society.”

Edward F. Reed, Ed.D.

Director of After Care Recovery Center

“Dr. DeGoede’s Book is excellent. He converts the most complicated situations into easy to read, understandable reality terms. This book is a page turner, once you begin you cannot stop.”

Jeff McDonald, C.A.D.A.C., C.E.A.P.

Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Certified Employee Assistance Program

“As the Clinical Director of an Adolescent and Children’s Program, Belief Therapy really hits the mark with the chapter on ‘Parenting.’ This will not only be mandatory reading for all our therapists but for all parents we work with. The most influential charateristic we possess, whether as a therapist, parent, or person involved with children and adolescents is what we Believe.”

Jesse R. Mellor, MA, C.A.S.

Clinical Director/Child & Adolescent Services
Veteran Memorial Medical Center Connecticut

“Violence in America, from Dr. DeGoede’s book Belief Therapy, was very exciting to read. This book cuts right to the center core of what society is battling with, it just makes sense that everyone has a certain degree of control in their lives.”

Joe Morales

13 Years Law Enforcement, LA County Sheriffs Dept.

Belief Therapy clearly spells out people’s role in their own upset. More importantly, it also points out people’s role in their own recovery of happiness and meaning in life. This book can be an asset for people in their self-help library. Thanks for the opportunity to read this interesting book.”

Gordon F. West, Ph.D., Ed.S.

Eisenhower Medical Center, Dept. of Pastoral Care
Chaplain and Employee Assistance Coordinator
Adjunct Instructor, College of the Desert, Palm Desert, California

“Dr. DeGoede’s book, Belief Therapy, shows his deep understanding of the emptional process and the power of the human mind to be instrumental in self healing. Dr. DeGoede’s experiences and observations provide an informed and relevant perspective. Overall, his book provides an opportunity for better understanding of the complexities of the developmental process and gives practical guidance to implementing improvement.”

Gary Osentowski, L.C.S.W.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

“Beliefs learned during our earliest years are truly the most empowering or destructive forces driving individual futures. Dr. DeGoede’s new book explores this concept forcefully in the chapter, ‘Violence in America.’ Perhaps if society better understood Belief Therapy such violence would diminish in our communities.”

James C. Gilley, M.P.A.

City Manager
Lancaster, California

“This book is a road map for readers who are ready to take charge of their own destiny. By guiding our own beliefs, we can understand ourselves, succeed in relationships, let go of dysfunction, and achieve our own self-defined success.”

Diana Hanyak, CEO

Charter Behavioral Health System of Southern California/Corona

“I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Belief Therapy, it was not only easy to read but it made so much inherent sense. I especially enjoyed the ‘Parenting’ chapter. The idea that as parents we play a major role in creating the beliefs of our children should not be underestimated. All parents and parents to be, should read this chapter. The idea that our beliefs play a role in maintaining our health or sickness is not new, but with cogent examples, the authors present this concept very well. By the way, hats off to Damian! His poems should be required reading for American Literature.”

Russell M. Greif, D.O.

Internal Medicine
Diplomate American Board of Internal Medicine

“DeGoede’s book cuts right to the heart of what our daily actions are all about: we behave as we believe. Change our beliefs and you change our behavior. That is a very simple but powerful notion.”

Katheryn T. Hilton, MA

School Teacher
Instructor University of Phoenix Extension

“The readability and intuitive correctness of Belief Therapy will surely afford it a place in the personal collections of students of the behavioral sciences as well as those who are desperately looking for a way out.”

Kenneth D. Kassinger, M.S.H.S.A., C.A.S.

Master of Science, Health Service Administration
American Academy of Healthcare
Providers in the Addictive Disorders

“DeGoede and Drews’ new book describes in clear and readable language the power that belief systems have to shape our lives, and they show us practical psycho-spiritual ways to transform negative beliefs into constructive paths.”

Ilene A. Serlin, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology
National Women’s Hall of Fame
Who’s Who in Executive & Professional Women
International Who’s Who in Medicine
Over 25 Publications/Articles

Enlightening, innovative! Belief Therapy is an invaluable resource for enhancing the quality of daily living. A valuable tool to learn the steps to take for making positive changes. An innovative process that could save your life as it did mine. Thank you Dr. DeGoede for the profound positive changes this information has made in my life. For the first time I found happiness because of implementing the resources provided in your book.”

Cheryl Aguilar, A.D.N., RN

Critical Care Registered Nurse
Loma Linda University Medical Center

“Never have I read anything on the subject of therapy so clearly and simply and effectively written.  For the first time I understand the definition of codependency and thus my relationship with my son.  Simple or not, it evoked in me terrible dreams for three nights.  I carefully wrote them down and analyzed them (as I know what treasures these dragons protect) and so gained a thorough understanding of how incest had set me up for being codependent.  Through Belief Therapy I have become free of half a century of anguish and self blame.”

Betty Paramore

Centerfold, Playboy Magazine
November, 1956