The Sinful Self

Freeing ourselves from obsessive introspection allows for participatory relationships with others. We are now free to explore the moment. Free to explore the boundless, aware, energy around us. This may sound mystical or esoteric, but it is the most practical, concrete, and pragmatic of all understandings. Through this awareness, we fully participate in the reality of our lives.

        What is impractical is continuing to obsessively examine our ideas of others’ perceptions about us. At these times we are only in touch with our own imagination. In essence, with nothing, nothing, no reality. Just our autistic thoughts about what we think they think about us. We then imagine what they imagine this must mean. I’ll tell you what it means. It means nothing! Nothing. No reality. We create knot after knot in our daily lives, all based upon a mirage.

        Ironically, oftentimes we create the opposite of the impression we want. The attempt to control others’ impressions and perceptions of us, often makes us so uptight, anxious, and insecure that this is what they see. We have squeezed ourselves out of the natural flowing shape others often find desirable, and once again, our solution has become our problem. One self-fulfilling prophecy after another, like snowballs rolling the wrong way down the hill.

        Learning to accept and believe in ourselves allows for the natural expression of our being, which we find pleasing, and oddly enough so do others. Opening our hearts to ourselves, once again we come full circle back to the excitement, pleasure, and challenges of everyday life. How important are things when we have ourselves? How important are images when we have reality? By believing in our wholeness, we cease our obsessive strivings, lose our attachment to image and allow ourselves to see. What we see, once again, is that most precious event, our day-to-day life.

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