Feeling Free

Life is a series of choices. The key to feeling free is in recognizing these daily choices as truly choices, and not obligations or demands. We create our daily reality as we consciously and unconsciously make both small and large choices.

         We can choose to get up at daybreak or sleep until noon. We can choose to go to work or stay home; choose to get married or get a divorce, choose to have children or not. These choices, moment to moment, day by day, week by week, and year by year, create the very fabric of our daily lives. Another choice we often don’t recognize is the choice to see that we have choices.

         When we become aware that every day is filled with choices, then we cease to be victims. Instead, we recognize that we are living in a world filled with freedom. The perception of choice is essential to the self-experience of freedom. When we refuse to see our choices as choices, we experience them as commitments, obligations, restrictions, responsibilities, or demands. We then perceive ourselves as victims and others as our victimizers. We lose our sense of freedom and feel imprisoned. However, feeling imprisoned is not the same as being imprisoned.

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